Equity, Justice, and Renewal in Education: Bridging Gaps through Research and Innovation
March 26 - 28, 2025, Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel, Portsmouth, NH
Please click here to register for the conference and
click here to make a hotel room reservation!
As researchers and practitioners, activists and policy makers, students and teachers, NEERO called on each of us to rise up and leverage our expertise to share, collaborate, learn, and take action through educational research. This theme emphasizes the need for cutting-edge research and innovative practices to address and overcome barriers to educational equity and justice.
For more information about the NEERO 2025 Conference, please click here.
About us
The New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) creates space for you to share your educational research with peers throughout New England and beyond.
Founded in 1969, the New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) is a regional research organization with members from colleges and universities, public and private schools, state and local educational agencies, health and social service agencies, and education organizations. NEERO is a member of the Consortium of State and Regional Educational Research Associations (Consortium SRERA) and is an Aligned Organization of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
What Do Our Members Value About NEERO?
Quotes are taken from 2020 Member Survey